Bromsgrove Villa Lions


Coach travel update (25/04/16)

Coach travel update (25/04/16)

Coach travel update (25/04/16)

The Bromsgrove Villa Lions are running coaches to Aston Villa's last two away Premier League matches this season.

Details can be found below.

Watford away (Saturday 30 April 2016)

Prices: £18 adults and £9 under-17s.

Availability: very limited seats available.

To book please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or contact Duncan on 07880790084.

Full match, ticket and departure details can be found in Watford v Aston Villa (30/04/16).

Arsenal away (Sunday 15 May 2016)

Prices: £18 adults and £9 under-17s.

Availability: very limited seats available.

To book please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or contact Duncan 07880790084.

Full match, ticket and departure details can be found in Arsenal v Aston Villa (15/05/16).